(mini) Golf

(mini) Golf

A fresh green green in artificial grass for relaxing putting or a practice to practice your swing. Guaranteed consistent ball behavior so you can achieve top performances.


Constructing a golf green with artificial grass is a smart move for golf enthusiasts who strive for a maintenance-friendly and sustainable solution. Artificial grass offers numerous advantages over natural grass, especially when it comes to the specific requirements of a golf green.


Our certified artificial grass guarantees top quality and durability, meeting strict standards and regulations, so you can confidently enjoy a product that meets the highest standards.

In addition, we are flexible in order to offer a solution for your specific wishes and needs. We strive for satisfaction with a personal and customer-oriented approach.

Discover the perfect combination of Belgian artificial grass, customization and excellent experience with NamSports.

Circular artificial grass
CO² neutral factory
Belgian product
Partnership with GoForest


Our professionals ensure precise installation to ensure the desired playing characteristics. By choosing an artificial grass golf green, you not only invest in a beautiful and functional surface, but also in a carefree golf experience.


Designing a golf green is a fascinating task where aesthetics and functionality come together. To design an attractive and well-performing golf green, we take into account, among other things:

A suitable location, where we pay attention to the environment and integrate the design harmoniously into the existing landscape.

We experiment with different shapes and contours to add visual interest.

We add a tee box at a strategic location - with good visibility of the rest of the hole.

We ensure a smooth transition between the existing plants, fringe and golf green.

We integrate strategically placed bunkers or other obstacles to increase the challenge.

2. Golf grass surface

Artificial grass is consistent in quality and playability. This means golfers can enjoy a consistent playing experience all year round without worrying about muddy spots or uneven grass growth. By choosing a correct, water-permeable surface, you invest in a beautiful, multifunctional surface and a carefree experience.

3. Golf artificial grass for every type of player

Artificial grass is durable and resistant to wear. It can easily handle frequent footsteps and golf clubs hitting the surface. This ensures a long-term investment that golfers can benefit from for many years to come.

Select a high-quality artificial grass variety suitable for golf greens.

Pay attention to the density and length of the fibers to ensure a realistic appearance and a smooth playing experience.

For the fringe, choose an artificial grass with similar characteristics to ensure consistent playability.

4. Support with the maintenance of your golf green

NamSports goes further than just supplying and installing high-quality golf and putting surfaces. We also offer professional maintenance. With our expertise we ensure that your artificial grass field remains in optimal condition, so that you can enjoy a perfectly maintained golf green undisturbed. Trust NamSports for not only the installation of premium artificial grass, but also the long-term maintenance of a beautifully landscaped golf green.